There is a tension between being too strongly (statically) typed and too weakly (statically) typed. In this post, I show how to use existential types to “derive” untyped syntax from typed syntax. This allows you to use strongly typed syntax and selectively escape to an untyped world, e.g. to do parsing or non-local transformations, without needing to maintain two different syntax definitions. This solution arose as part of discussions with Matthew Farkas-Dyck, Daniel Winograd-Cort, Moritz Drexl, and the problem was originally posed to me by Daniel King.
Recently I have been playing with a deep embedding of a programming language within Haskell and I was immediately forced with the question of whether the syntax of the language should be strongly typed or weakly typed. Since the whole programming language isn’t particularly important, I’ll just boil it down to the essential bits.
In the weakly typed variant, there is a single type Expr
that represents (possibly ill-typed) expressions of any type.
data Expr = ILit Int
| BLit Bool
| Plus Expr Expr
| If Expr Expr Expr
In the strongly-typed variant, the type of expressions is indexed by the type of the expression.
data Expr t where
ILit :: Int -> Expr Int
BLit :: Bool -> Expr Bool
Plus :: Expr Int -> Expr Int -> Expr Int
If :: Expr Bool -> Expr a -> Expr a
In the former of these, the type Expr
encodes the syntax of the language, in the later, the type Expr
encodes the typing derivations of the language.
There are pros and cons to each approach.
In the strong representation, you get compile-time checking of expressions and transformations, meaning that the Haskell type checker will ensure that you can not build an ill-typed term. That is we are getting typed perserving translations enforced by the host language’s (Haskell in this case) type system. Another, property that we get out of this stronger representation1 is that it may provide a path towards self-representation via Brown’s work from POPL’16.
The down-side of strong typing is that you always have to track types around and so transformations that rely on sophisticated invariants might be more difficult to express in Haskell. Some examples of complex transformations arise in the dissertation of Tristan, e.g. loop fusion and loop scheduling in CompCert. Note, however, that this work is based on the weakly typed representation of C in CompCert. A particularly complex piece often comes when representing open terms (especially in dependent type theories) where “acrobatics” (using telescopes) become necessary to track the interesting interplay between types and terms.
Another, and the motivation for my own experimentation, upside to the weakly-typed representation is that it can be used directly during parsing. I had a pile of type-class instances that pulled a variety of runtime type checking to parse my strongly-typed representation from JSON, and even with these hacks, I wasn’t obvious how to get useful features such as inference and variables to work correctly.
So the question arises, can we write a single type and get both a weakly and a strongly typed representation? The answer to this question turns out to be “yes”, and in this post I’m going to explain how it works. As with a lot of questions in logic, in retrospect the answer seems completely obvious, so before proceeding, you might spend a few minutes puzzling through it to satisfy your intellectual curiosity.
A Functorized Type
It shouldn’t be too surprising that our core representation will be a typed representation since it carries strictly more information than the untyped reprsentation. However, I am not going to use the standard encoding in Haskell that I wrote above. Instead, I am going to do is to factor the type into two pieces: the constructors and the fixpoint using the pattern of Datatypes a la Carte.
-- | The functor.
data ExprF (e :: k -> *) (t :: k) where
NLit :: Int -> ExprF e Int
Plus :: e Int -> e Int -> ExprF e Int
BLit :: Bool -> ExprF e Bool
If :: e Bool -> e a -> e a -> ExprF e a
-- | The fixpoint combinator.
data Fix1 (e :: (k -> *) -> (k -> *)) (t :: k) where
Fix1 :: e (Fix1 e) t -> Fix1 e t
-- | The expression type.
-- Note that the kind of this type is `k -> *`
type Expr = Fix1 ExprF
While a little bit more verbose than the basic representation, it has a lot of benefits, some of which I will leverage to solve this problem.
Here, I am using the kind variable k
to represent the “type” of types in my language.
One can freely think of k ~ *
if this makes more sense, but I personally find the distinction useful in tracking the object language (the syntax) from the meta-language (Haskell).
Using this representation is a bit annoying, so we can define some basic combinators.
eInt :: Int -> Expr Int
eInt = Fix1 . NLit
eBool :: Bool -> Expr Bool
eBool = Fix1 . BLit
Using these combinators, we can write expressions in Haskell and the Haskell type checker will guarantee that they are well-typed.
e1 :: Expr Int
e1 = eIf (eBool True) (eInt 0) (eInt 1)
not :: Expr Bool -> Expr Bool
not e = eIf e (eBool False) (eBool True)
Note that our simple language does not have lambda abstractions so the second expression is a Haskell function that takes an expression and builds a larger expression using it.
An Interpreter
Just to give a flavor of how we can program with this representation, let’s implement a simple interpreter. The core of the interpreter is an evaluator for the functor.
eval :: ExprF Identity t -> Identity t
eval (NLit n) = pure n
eval (Plus a b) = (+) <$> a <*> b
eval (BLit b) = pure b
eval (If (Identity a) b c) = if a then b else c
Note that here we assume that sub-expressions are already evaluated (i.e. their type is Identity t
for whatever t
the Expr
type calls for).
Note in particular that this means that we don’t need to do any runtime type checking and the evaluation function is total, i.e. we do not need to return a Maybe
in the case that the term is ill-typed because the types of the constructors guarantee that this will not happen.
We then combine this with the recursor for the fixpoint combinator.
evaluate :: Fix1 ExprF :-> D
evaluate (Fix1 e) = eval $ hfmap evaluate e
Here hfmap
(code available in the accompanying gist and originally in the compdata package) is like fmap
but lifted to natural transformations.
-- | Natural transformations.
type (:->) f g = forall a. f a -> g a
-- | Lifting a natural transformation over another natural
-- transformation.
class HFunctor (f :: (k -> *) -> (k -> *)) where
hfmap :: forall g g'. g :-> g' -> f g :-> f g'
Hiding the Types
So, how can we get untyped expressions on top of this typed representation?
Morally, what we want to do is take this representation and simply forget the index, but naively that would require that we make a new type.
Instead, we can use existential quantification to loosen the requirement that the indicies match, i.e. that we can only put an expression of type Int
in a hole “requiring” an Int
It turns out that there are many ways to do this, but at some level they are all the same.
Let’s start with a type combinator that takes in a typed algebra, and returns one that doesn’t require the types to match.
-- | Allow an expression (`e`) of type `t` to fill a whole of any
-- type (`t'`).
data IgnoreT (e :: (k -> *) -> (k -> *)) (u :: k -> *) (t :: k) where
IgnoreT :: forall t' e u t. e u t' -> IgnoreT e u t
-- | Untyped terms.
type UExpr = Fix1 (IgnoreT ExprF) ()
Here, the syntax is the same (i.e. just an e
) but the type index fed to e
(i.e. t'
) and the type index (i.e. t
) on the resulting type are independent.
This allows us to build ill-typed expressions which we usually can not do in the strongly typed syntax.
-- | Ignore types on a term.
untype :: ExprF (Fix1 (IgnoreT ExprF)) t -> UExpr
untype = Fix1 . IgnoreT
-- | Coerce untyped
rewrap :: UExpr -> Fix1 (IgnoreT ExprF) t
rewrap (Fix1 (IgnoreT e)) = Fix1 (IgnoreT e)
-- NOTE that this is not the identity function because the
-- types are not the same.
uInt :: Int -> UExpr
uInt n = untype $ NLit n
uBool :: Bool -> UExpr
uBool b = untype $ BLit b
uIf :: UExpr -> UExpr -> UExpr -> UExpr
uIf i t e = untype $ If (rewrap i) t e
-- | Term representing `if 1 then 1 else true`
illTyped :: UExpr
illTyped = uIf (uInt 1) (uInt 1) (uBool True)
Type Checking
Being able to represent ill-typed terms is great for phases such as parsing, but ultimately, we need to be able to converty these UExpr
s back into regular Expr
The way we do this is through type-checking.
As with the evaluator, we will break the implementation down into two pieces, the piece that operates on the algebra, and the piece that operates through the fixpoint.
Here is the definition of the type checking functor:
-- | A type containing both type checking and type-inference.
-- Note that the `t` parameter is unused, it is needed to match the
-- type of the recursive argument.
data CheckInfer m f t = CheckInfer
{ check :: forall t'. Typeable t' => m (f t')
, infer :: m (Ex f)
-- | Build a @CheckInfer@ from just an `infer`.
fromInfer :: forall m f t. MonadPlus m => m (Ex f) -> CheckInfer m f t
fromInfer val = CheckInfer
{ check = do
Ex e <- val
check e
, infer = val
where check :: forall t t'. (Typeable t, Typeable t') => f t' -> m (f t)
check e = case eqT @t @t' of
Just Refl -> return e
Nothing -> mzero
-- | Type checking function for the language functor.
checkF :: MonadPlus m
=> IgnoreT ExprF (CheckInfer m e) t
-> CheckInfer m (ExprF e) t
checkF (IgnoreT (NLit n)) =
fromInfer $ return (Ex (NLit n))
checkF (IgnoreT (Plus a b)) =
fromInfer $ (\ a b -> Ex (Plus a b)) <$> check a <*> check b
checkF (IgnoreT (BLit n)) = fromInfer $ return (Ex (BLit n))
checkF (IgnoreT (If i t e)) = CheckInfer
{ check = do
it <- check i
If it <$> check t <*> check e
, infer = do
it <- check i
Ex tt <- infer t
et <- check e
return $ Ex (If it tt et)
As one would expect, with compositional data types the handling of the fixpoint is identical to above since we have only swapped out the functor2.
checkInfer :: MonadPlus m
=> Fix1 (IgnoreT ExprF) t -> CheckInfer m ExprF t'
checkInfer (Fix1 e) = eval $ hfmap checkInfer e
With this code, our type checker actually takes a term where types are ignored and returns a term where they are not. Wrapping things up, we get:
checkType :: forall t m. (Typeable t, MonadPlus m) => UExpr -> m (Expr t)
checkType e = check <$> checkInfer e
inferType :: forall t m. MonadPlus m => UExpr -> m (Ex Expr)
inferType e = infer <$> checkInfer e
And TypeApplications
makes calling this really easy.
checkType @Int @Maybe illTyped :: Maybe (Expr Int)
-- == Nothing
Putting it all Together
From here, you can build a very simple program that parses an untyped expression, performs type-checking, and then evaluates the typed expression (if type checking succeded). Here’s the code (sans the parser).
main :: IO ()
main = do
source <- readContents
parse source >>= \case
Left err -> putStrLn "Failed to parse expression."
Right uexpr -> inferType uexpr >>= \case
Nothing -> putStrLn "The expression is ill-typed"
Just (Ex texpr) -> do
putStrLn $ "The expression has type `" ++ showType texpr ++ "`"
let result = evaluate texpr
putStrLn $ show result
There are two nice things about this.
- The Haskell type tells us whether the term has been type checked. This allows us to avoid the problem of potentially trying to evaluate before we type check.
- We can write both typed and untyped transformations without needing to duplicate the syntax types (or any functions).
If we choose to use the compositional features of the functorial representation, we note the following isomorphism on IgnoreT
which allows us to write the type checker in a completely compositional manner.
iso :: Iso (IgnoreT (f :+: g) u t) ((IgnoreT f :+: IgnoreT g) u t)
iso = ...
In this post, I showed a simple way to convert a typed abstract syntax tree into an untyped abstract syntax tree in a completely modular way. There is no need to duplicate any type definitions, and the mechanism for achieving this allows for a whole host of other “mix-ins”, e.g. decoration with source locations, and even mixing in other syntax fragments to support syntactic sugar.
I have not seen this before, if you’re aware of any other places where this is used, please mention them in the comments.
Attributions & Acknowledgements
This work arose from discussions with my co-workers: Matthew Farkas-Dyck, Daniel Winograd-Cort, and Moritz Drexl. It was originally posed to me by my graduate school lab mate Daniel King.
Self-representation is the ability to fully represent the syntax of a programming language within itself and write an interpreter the evaluates the syntax into the language itself. This is a very interesting property for topics such as computational reflection and meta-programming. ↩
In reality these types are really particular instantiations of more generic types. See, for example, the Algebra module in compdata. ↩