Interaction Trees: Representing Recursive and Impure Programs in Coq
Li-yao Xai, Yannick Zakowski, Paul He, Chung-Kil Hur, Gregory Malecha, Benjamin C. Pierce, and Steve Zdancewic
Citation (BibTex)
@article{xai2020-interaction-trees, author = {Xia, Li-yao and Zakowski, Yannick and He, Paul and Hur, Chung-Kil and Malecha, Gregory and Pierce, Benjamin C. and Zdancewic, Steve}, title = {Interaction {T}rees: {R}epresenting {R}ecursive and {I}mpure {P}rograms in {C}oq}, year = {2019}, issue_date = {January 2020}, publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, volume = {4}, number = {POPL}, url = {}, doi = {10.1145/3371119}, journal = {Proc. ACM Program. Lang.}, month = dec, articleno = {51}, numpages = {32}, keywords = {compiler correctness, coinduction, monads, Coq} }